Work experience and projects

Official Degree

Master's Degree in Teaching Habilitation for the Exercise of the Profession of Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Teaching of Languages



1 year


Eskoriatza and As Fabrik Bilbao

Class size

50 places




Presential (DUAL) or ONLINE

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Work experience and projects

Practicum: Internships at schools

The three practicum periods required for the Master’s Degree will be done in schools, and are divided into three groups throughout the academic year: first, two practicum periods associated with the modules studied at the university and whose topics for study are the characteristics of the school and the classroom; and second, a practicum period aimed at the personal development of the teaching staff with particular attention on teaching and learning processes in specialty subjects.

During the practicums, students will be assisted by teacher-tutors (a professor from the Master’s program and a Secondary Education teacher whose specialty is the same as that of the student).

Students will be able to do their practicums in a public or private school, or in a school with which they have a separate arrangement.

Master´s Thesis

Each Master’s student must design a project that puts into practice the knowledge and competencies internalized during the Master’s program. The purpose of the Final Degree Project is for each student to define the didactic model or educational perspective according to which he or she will implement his or her professional practice. This work will allow students the opportunity to develop and demonstrate their internalized competencies, whether academic, methodological, social, or personal.

The project will be placed in a specific context (a specific school, stage, field, and room), and the final project will be carried out by identifying issues within that context, and integrating the theories and perspectives studied throughout the Master’s Degree program.

The student will choose an area and activity that coincide with his or her interests: the work itself and the process followed to carry it out will help the student to create a professional profile. He or she will be able to make a personal contribution to his or her chosen field, and the project will also serve to prove that the student is fully able to carry out academic work.

The project will be an original work and in it the student will develop an educational proposal that will contain the content of the studied modules, practicums, or both. Students are required to do the Final Degree Project under the tutelage of a Master’s instructor, who will be assigned according to the student’s topic and specialty. At the end of the Master’s program, the project must be presented and defended before a public audience.