Access and admission

Doctoral Programme

PhD Programme in Innovation and educational intervention


Full-time: 4 years (possibility of extending in 1 year).

Part-time: 7 years (possibility of extending in 1 year).



Class size

14 places


Spanish, Basque, English



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Entrance to doctoral programmes

In accordance with article 19 of Royal Decree 1393/2007 and article 6 of Royal Decree 99/2011, the following can enter the doctoral programme:

  1. Those who have an official Degree or equivalent and an official Masters degree.
  2. In addition, the following may also enter the programme:
    • Those who have an official Spanish or European Higher Education Area (EHEA) university degree, which allows entrance to the Masters degree in accordance with article 16 of Royal Decree 1393/2007, dated 29 October and who have gained at least 300 ECTS credits in their official university studies, of which at least 60 will be at Masters level.
    • Those who have an official Spanish degree, made up of at least 300 ECTS credits, in according with Community law. These graduates must do the compulsory supplementary training unless the curriculum of the corresponding degree includes methodological research training of equivalent credit value to that of the Masters degree.
    • Those who have a degree obtained from a foreign educational establishment, subject to verification by the university that it is equivalent to an official Spanish Masters degree and that it would allow entrance to doctoral studies in the country issuing the degree. Entrance does not imply, in any way, endorsement of the applicant's earlier degree, nor its recognition for anything other than this doctorate. The degree of Doctor thus obtained will be fully valid in Spain.
    • Graduates, architects or engineers who have the Diploma in Advanced Studies, obtained in accordance with Royal Decree 778/1998 dated 30 April, or who have reached the required research standard as laid down in Royal Decree 185/1985.
    • Those who have another Spanish Doctoral degree obtained according to previous university arrangements.
    • For candidates who do not meet the general entrance requirements, the Academic management department of the appropriate university shall inform the candidate, and will not proceed to the admission process.

Supplementary training

Students who do not have prior training of at least 15 ECTS in research methodologies will have the opportunity to undertake research-related training in the first year of the doctorate.


The student should send the following documents to the academic secretariat:

  • Academic record of previous studies and certified evidence supporting this.
  • Curriculum vitae.
  • Declaration of objectives, containing a description of the candidate's personal motivation and objectives for applying for a place on the doctoral programme.
  • Knowledge of English or a third language.
  • One or more letters of recommendation or academic endorsement if available.

Procedure for evaluating entrance applications

Once all the documentation has been received, the CAPD will evaluate and prioritise entrance applications in accordance with the criteria listed below, and may also request a personal interview with the applicant:

  • The degree of matching, the academic record and the level of professional experience.
  • The connection of the thesis undertaken to any of the research lines of the doctoral programme.
  • Already has or has requested a pre-doctoral grant in any of the open competitions or Mondragon University or UVic.
  • Other plus points: academic recommendations and endorsements, knowledge of a third language.

Students with specific educational needs

Both universities have an Assessment Service for students with disabilities (SAED) that gives advice to all doctoral candidates with disabilities to ensure they can follow the programme with equal opportunities. The support is provided via a process of individual attention which allows us to identify students' needs and establish a personal plan that identifies what resources are currently in place, what personal adaptations need to be made to the students' environment, the management of loans of support products, the management of personal assistance and how to make any curricular adjustments to ensure the development of competencies of the doctoral programme within the limits of what are reasonable adjustments.

Doctoral students with specific educational needs must submit a report issued by a doctor or recognised medical body which details their characteristics and needs. The SAED will carry out an assessment of the student's situation, and depending on the outcome, will determine the need for possible curricular changes, study paths or alternative studies. This report will be submitted to the CAPD for its validation.

Part-time students

The doctoral programme in Educational Innovation and Intervention in Environments of Diversity allows doctoral students to do the course part-time if they can provide evidence of any of the circumstances described below:

  • The student is working and can prove that during the academic year he or she is in employment. The employment relationship must be proven by means of a work contract or administrative appointment.
  • The student is affected by a physical, mental or sensory disability, equal to or greater than 33%.
  • The student is the main carer of dependent persons, and can provide supporting documentation to prove this.
  • The student is 45 years or older.
  • The student undertakes high-level or high performance sport, and can provide supporting documentation to prove this.
  • The student has dependent children, and can provide supporting documentation to prove this.
  • The student is included in the scope of an agreement signed with other universities that provides for this.
  • There is some other circumstance through which the student cannot do the programme on a full-time basis; this must be duly approved and evaluated by the CAPD.

In all cases the student requesting to do the part-time doctoral programme must show willingness in terms of time to carry out the thesis project and to make research stays in other universities or research centres.

The doctoral student can change between part-time and full-time, as long as he or she complies with the conditions laid down in the academic regulations and rules of attendance of both universities.